Friday, September 14, 2007


I'm home! I can finally breathe! I know this picture isn't excellent, but it's home! I have been asked by many people why I want to move back to SK. All I can say is that the sky is big, the air is clear, the people are friendly and my family is here! It doesn't make sense to people from BC, I know...but I guess you can't always take the girl from the prairies, 'cause the prairies will always be part of the heart of the girl!
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On the Move

Well, I'm on the road again! In between final shifts at work and helping with my cousin's wedding, I have been packing and getting ready to move back to Saskatchewan!! It has been a crazy couple of weeks!!! This uhaul was packed by myself, my very understanding roommate, Andrea, my dependable mother and my overly energetic grandmother!! Yup, between us four women, we hauled all the stuff I have accumulated over the past few years into that truck! It was scary to leave all of my precious belongings in that truck over night in Coquitlam with nothing to keep someone from breaking in but a cheap $3.00 pad lock! True, most of my furniture that is not hand-me-downs from my parents, comes from IKEA. And true, most of the books that I am bringing back with me, if they are not 10lb nursing texts, they are cheesy Christian romance novels...(for those of you rolling your eyes right now, I have been expanding my reading choices to books with a little more substance)...and true, the first articles of clothing that can be found in that red suitcase are multiple sets of scrubs...but those are my scrubs, my cheesy Christian romance novels (come on, who doesn't melt when Todd looks at Christy with those "screaming silver-blue eyes"?!) and my IKEA furniture! My my, in my two years of living in BC, what has happened to me?! I need to get where I can see and think more clearly! Oh, I can't wait to see the sky!
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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Random Meat on a Stick!

A few of us went to the Richmond Night much fun!! I don't know how people spend their entire lives in the Fraser Valley and not know about some of the fun attractions that make this part of Canada so unique! We spent a good hour and a half just looking and sampling all the different food offered by the many different South East Asian cultures the Lower Mainland is home to. Our objective: to eat food that was indistinguishable. I still don't know some of the foods we tried, but it was a lot of fun! There was also a large market that reminded me of the flea markets I went to when I was a kid on trips to Palm Springs. You could get anything from clothing to shoes to Hello Kitty paraphernalia to best of!!! Definitely a fun night!
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Saturday, August 18, 2007

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Food for Thought

Tonight as I was reading my devotional book (At His Feet by Chris Tiegreen), I was not overly enthused at the prospect of the title, "Surrendering Worry." Yet another one page quip about how we are to give all our worries to God, because as Luke 12:22-34 says, God even cares about the lilies in the field and the ravens in the sky, yadda yadda yadda. Well, that was what I had thought it would be about. Verses 32 and the first part of 33 caught my eye as I, for some reason must have missed them in all the other times I have either listened to sermons on worrying or read other devotionals.

"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, for where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

I'm going to quote what my devo book has to say about the matter:
"Our problem with worry is a heart issue. It's all about whether we are surrendered to God. Do we really trust Him to take care of us? Do we believe that He will lead us in His will and that His will is always good? Do we really value His plan, even when His plan leads us through difficult circumstances? If the answer is 'yes' to all of these, then we have perhaps recognized Jesus as Lord in the way that He desires...If we are worried and anxious, we don't really accept His lordship, do we? If we have really submitted to Him, we trust Him to handle our lives. They are in His hands, and whatever He chooses to do with them is all right with us, even if His will is difficult. The path is His, the means to live it are His, and the outcomes are His. This is what surrender is all about. And if we're really surrendered, we're not worried about it."
"Are you in a difficult place? You have a choice: You can trust that it's either God's difficult place (or a place from which He will soon provide deliverance); or you can wonder if He's lost His grip on your life and let you wander too far out of His will. The only issue is what your heart chooses to believe about God." ~Chris Tiegreen

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Spanish Memories

In April I took my first very spontaneous, very long distance trip... to Spain!!!
I was able to finally visit my friend, Nick in Madrid. He made a FABULOUS
tour guide!! The last time we had seen each other was when we were in
high school together in Germany! Though Spain was much cooler than I
expected, it was stupendous! Being there around Easter was incredible, many
interesting and new sights. We saw processions a few times each day!
We travelled from Madrid to Granada to Seville to Cordoba to Toledo and
back to Madrid. A lot to see in just one week!
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